Headliner: NoviNews Wins Best Game of Intel Buzz Workshop in Seattle, 2018

My media-bias adventure where you control the news and it’s effect on the society around you is now officially “award-winning!” This is the first time I have received an award for any of my games and, frankly, I don’t even know how to react. 

Continue reading “Headliner: NoviNews Wins Best Game of Intel Buzz Workshop in Seattle, 2018”

So 52.45% of People Playing my Indie Game Have Pirated it…

So 52.45 of People Playing my Game Have Pirated it
Three weeks after release, I shared this statistic with a few online dev communities. The response and questions that followed surprised me more than the piracy itself. Here’s full details of how I got the number, and what I make of it. of it.

Continue reading “So 52.45% of People Playing my Indie Game Have Pirated it…”

Make up your own #FakeNews, get it featured in my game on Oct. 3rd!

Hey folks!

I’m running a little contest for my next game about controlling the media and its impact on society, coming out on October 3rd! Just submit your own brief #FakeNews excerpt and the most popular one will be included in the game upon release!

Plus, you get to play around with it in your browser just as you would in the game :D

Make Your OWN #FakeNews

HEADLINER, is a short media bias adventure game about controlling the news and its impact on your career, society, and family. Share your story, and see what the Headliner before you did.

Rapid Prototyping Tip: Defining data as code files

When you’re trying to churn out a game fast, it might make more sense to define your items, texts or conversation in code files. Here’s how to do it, an example from my current project.

Continue reading “Rapid Prototyping Tip: Defining data as code files”

What I learned from my 2nd game design experiment: GATHER

My second free experimental game flopped. It’s about leading a flock of minions to gather resources and harvest sacrifice for the gods. Here’s what I learned from it. 

Continue reading “What I learned from my 2nd game design experiment: GATHER”