1. racists [10]
2. human race [7]
3. niggers [7]
4. Trump [6]
5. People [4]
6. chronic fatigue [4]
7. Batman [4]
8. Racist niggers [4]
9. Complainers [3]
10. makefiles [3]
This webpage is generated from visitor-submitted content and does not reflect the views of its creator. AKA I'm not the fucwit making racist complaints.
One day I was really frustrated. So I made this. It's dumb and will probably carsh and burn soon. But spending my entire goddamn Sunday coding it was... therapeutic.
Whenever I need a distraction from my frustration. Oh look, I just added a gender selector. And will probably need a blacklist at some point. We'll see. Don't hold your hopes up. Goddamn unreliable developers.
Goddamn Internetâ„¢
I hope not to, but I will see how bad it gets. Interestingly, as soon as the slurs appeared, "racism" raced to the top right behind them. It's an interesting little experiment.
No, I have no idea who you are and I don't care. There are annonymous google analytics that the entire internet uses already, and facebook knows way more messed up shit about you anyway.
Said no one ever...