The last person said...

Goddamn army.

152 people bitched so far.

Top Complaints

1. racists [10]
2. human race [7]
3. niggers [7]
4. Trump [6]
5. People [4]
6. chronic fatigue [4]
7. Batman [4]
8. Racist niggers [4]
9. Complainers [3]
10. makefiles [3]

...said the last visitor, and 1 other person hates army too...

Just let it out: About Goddamn


This webpage is generated from visitor-submitted content and does not reflect the views of its creator. AKA I'm not the fucwit making racist complaints.

What is this shit?

One day I was really frustrated. So I made this. It's dumb and will probably carsh and burn soon. But spending my entire goddamn Sunday coding it was... therapeutic.

Are you still developing it?

Whenever I need a distraction from my frustration. Oh look, I just added a gender selector. And will probably need a blacklist at some point. We'll see. Don't hold your hopes up. Goddamn unreliable developers.

What's with the racist shit?

Goddamn Internetâ„¢

Are you going to censore this?

I hope not to, but I will see how bad it gets. Interestingly, as soon as the slurs appeared, "racism" raced to the top right behind them. It's an interesting little experiment.

Are you tracking my shit?

No, I have no idea who you are and I don't care. There are annonymous google analytics that the entire internet uses already, and facebook knows way more messed up shit about you anyway.

I wanna see more of your work

Said no one ever...