When I moved to LA six months ago I was excited to furnish and equip my new heaven. I set out on my shopping sprees, browsing the much-needed goods, but leaving empty-handed and disappointed. All because of that niggling thought in the back of my head… “I can get it cheaper online.”

When you’re on a mission to get a fluffier pillow or a rounder cereal bowl, there is something alluring, even relaxing, in strolling down the aisles of a store and browsing the merchandise. It’s the physicality of the experience, being able to pick up the box and read all the descriptions, or even hold the product on display before you decide if you really want it. Something online shopping simply cannot replicate.
It’s great to have those amazing deals online, and convenient to get stuff delivered right to our doorsteps without moving from the couch, but it’s just not the same. Sure there’s pictures, sure there are user reviews but… I want to feel how comfortable the new computer mouse is, dammit! And if I don’t hold the prospective mug how will I ever know if it meets my high coffee-drinking standards?
Yes, I can still go strolling down the aisles of a store, and there are those for whom window shopping is sufficient. But I am too pragmatic to merely browse for browsing’s sake – I need to purchase something to make it worthwhile. And I am too frugal to squander money knowing full well that that similar items are half off on Amazon.
Curse you online stores! Curse you for saving me money!