Our Indie Game is starting to gain some Exposure from YouTube Let’s Players and the Gaming Press!
Tom Schaffer from German website Rebell.at has shared a short preview and trailer of our upcoming game! While the article is in German, he stressed the story-driven similarity to our first game “Postmortem: one must die” with addition of far more involved gameplay and scope! Check it out!
Furthermore, ZeeWhiteWolf did a brief Let’s Play of the beginning sections of our game, stressing how charming and intriguing it is, and how obtaining the various “tools” really changes how the game plays :) Watch some hilarious running from guards and hiding in lockers below!
Thanks to Both for covering our game! We will keep you posted with new videos and coverage!
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Karaski: What Goes Up... is a an open-ended "Who-Dun-It" mystery adventure onboard a sabotaged 1920s Airship where the player is as likely a culrpit as the suspects. Deus Ex meets Clue with a bit of Telltale!