Karla Munger from JustAdventure.com has taken the time to preview our indie game and was left “quite impressed” after 3 (!) full playthroughs! Check out the full article; here are some highlight:
I did three full playthroughs of the preview build and each was surprisingly different. The narrative’s many variables, which can also impact the length of the game, give Karaski tremendous replay value.
You’re told that you’ll control the story and that your actions and choices will shape the past, present and future.
I wondered if it would be possible to weave this kind of narrative in a believable way. Well, I’m happy to report that Unbound Creations has done a masterful job of pulling it off.
… I predict that the final version of Karaski: What Goes Up… will be a wonderfully entertaining game that I won’t hesitate to recommend … Way to go, Unbound Creations!
Thanks Karla!
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Karaski: What Goes Up... is a an open-ended "Who-Dun-It" mystery adventure onboard a sabotaged 1920s Airship where the player is as likely a culrpit as the suspects. Deus Ex meets Clue with a bit of Telltale!