I’m a freelance web developer, game designer and filmmaker; I manage several clients and just released my first game. Here’s my process and things I learned.

I’m a freelance web developer, game designer and filmmaker; I manage several clients and just released my first game. Here’s my process and things I learned.
Our indie adventure game Postmortem has had 3.5k playthroughs already! Here’s what the stats reveal about our gamers and their moral choices.
Continue reading “What 3,500+ playthroughs of our game tell of gamer choice and morality” →
Here’s my approach to writing complex, branching, and meaningful conversations in my indie adventure game Postmortem: one must die. Took many attempts to figure out a good way so sharing the lessons!
Continue reading “Writing branching Game Conversations the easy way – approach from my indie game” →
Postmortem just released it’s first patch, fixing a rare issue where the player might sometimes fall through the floor (oops!) so go ahead and re-download.
Also check out the new Promo Video, courtesy of Vertigo Teaparty!
What’s next? We will see, probably the much desires re-configurable controls!. So go give us more incentive VOTING on Steam Greenlight and Tell YOUR FRIENDS!
We finally broke into Top 100 Greenlight Candidates on Steam, thanks to all our supporting fans! And PCGamer called us “example of how to write nuanced characters” among other things. Quotes below!
Clarification: We’re NOT Greenlit yet, so please VOTE and Tell YOUR FRIENDS!
Download the Political Narrative-Adventure game playing Agent of Death who must take ONE life that might change the fate of a conflict-torn Nation on the brink of Industrial Revolution!
Think The Walking Dead meets Home and The Last Express mixed with some To the Moon!”
Postmortem: one must die opens Pre-Orders of the Extended Scythe Cut with Name-Your-Price model! Get the juicy Bonus Materials NOW!
Postmortem is still free but with all the encouraging feedback we got, we decided to add an optional paid version with some Bonus Materials as a Thank You to supporters!
Continue reading “Postmortem still Free, adding optional payment with Bonus Extras” →
So I got interviewed by DailyDPad.com about my upcoming game Postmortem the other day, and it’s now up (English and German version available), Go Read It >
Thanks Rian Voß!
Narrative adventure game playing an Agent of Death who must take ONE life that could change the Fate of a conflict-torn Nation! Freeform exploration, Rich dialogue and Meaningful choices abound!
Continue reading “Postmortem goes Gold – New Trailer and Two Weeks to Release!” →