Three reasons why Greyhound sucks

Just recently, I had the opportunity made the horrible mistake of taking a greyhound bus from California to Arizona. Greyhound™, being a kind monopoly that they are, made sure the provided service is as horrendous as possible and all the costumers are treated like sheep. And you know it's bad when the fact the trip takes some 13 hours in a cramped seat on a bus is actually one of the better parts. Here are top three reasons why greyhound sucks:

1. Poor Scheduling. One of the most amazing features of the service is the fact that, contrary to simple logic or basic reasoning, buying a ticket does not guarantee you a spot on the bus. I was waiting for my first bus with some 20 other people and when it finally arrived, guess what? Only 6 seats available. Not even half the people who bought a ticket got in. Think this is bullshit? Oh it gets worse. On the next station there were over 200 people waiting for the same bus. Taking in consideration that maximum bus occupancy is some 50 people, well... I hope the entire greyhound ticketing department burns in hell.

2. Incompetent drivers. So, you'd think once you get on the bus the trouble's over and you're going to get to your location eventually? Nope! After being some two hours late, we got off the main freeway and entered our destination town. At that point, our driver turned back to us and started asking if anyone on the bus knew where the greyhound station is. Then, he took a wrong turn and got back on the freeway. Brilliant.

3. Obligatory whiney bitch. They say that how we see others is just a reflection of how we see ourselves. I guess that holds true for some of the passengers. On one bus, there was a lady in her twenties that just wouldn't stop bitching about everything. Someone wouldn't give her a phone, she'd yell. Someone who wasn't even sitting in front of her would adjust his seat, she'd whine. On the second bus, there was some young girl who, similarly, would have an issue with everything her grandma asked her to do. She didn't even want to get on this bus - god forbid her majesty walk 10 feet. All this, why? Because her grandma didn't want to buy her a $4 pair of headphones for her iPod. Dear. Jesus.

In just a single trip, I have attained a stated of complete loathing for Greyhound. However, the scary part is, as simple laws of economics tell us, the only reason the company is still in business is because there is demand for it. It frightens me to think what must go through the minds of people buying a greyhound ticket, when a plane is just mere $9 more expensive. Let's just pray to god that all the greyhound busses magically implode in the next few years. One thing is certain, however: if hell exists, we will be driven there... on a greyhound bus.