What if YOU controlled the news? HEADLINER on Steam!

What if YOU controlled the News?
Short media bias adventure game about controlling the news and it’s impact on your career, society, and family.

Add it to your STEAM Wishlist!

Genetic engineering and civil unrest loom over Galixia. You are the Chief Curator of a local News Channel. You are the HEADLINER

  • Multiple outcomes on different aspects of the story lead to unique endings you can share with the community
  • Average playthrough is around 45 mins with room for replay and experimentation
  • Curate articles and create your OWN unique bias!
  • Stroll down the streets and watch how society changes
  • Chat with your family about their struggles, love or hate
  • Colorblind-friendly design considerations


Learning to Enjoy Games Again at Polish “Pixel Heaven” Indie Game Festival

I attended the biggest Indie Game event in Warsaw and got to try HTC Vive VR, play a bunch of upcoming indies, and watch Peter Molyneux preach! 

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New Game Trailer Video for “Karaski: What Goes Up…”

We are proud to share a Brand New Official Trailer for our upcoming game! Please be so kind and share with your friends and help us get some traction :)

You’re one of five suspects of a sabotage onboard a 1920s Slavic Airship. Find the culprit or confess your crime in an open-ended, detective adventure game.

Onboard a the world’s first Airship, a dark plot unfolds. Each suspect has a secret and unique personality you can uncover in a nonlinear manner via dialogue, breaking into their rooms, drinking with them, or even pissing them off. But getting caught snooping around will rise your suspicion and the passengers will start doubting you more! Your interactions shape the past, present and future outcomes of the story. Different playthroughs can lead to different results.

COMING SOON so Help us Spread the Word!

Karaski: What Goes Up... Indie Game

What 1906 video can teach us about game AI, governmental power, and my caffine intake

Video of a chaotic but functional San Fran street from 1906 – lesson about game AI agents, social commentary on governments, or just a sign my coffee is a little too strong on this 9:35am Sunday morning?

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Banality of Evil – video game moral choices vs. pragmatism

The banality of moral choices in games, boiling down to “Choose between being an Angel or Satan” has been criticized ad nauseum. But even with properly ambiguous gray areas, moral dilemmas don’t fully work in games because at their core they are just, well… games.

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Using games to change ourselves

Open-world games like Skyrim or GTA create increasingly complex environments to explore. Whether an evil dual-wielding barbarian or Russian heartbroken thug, the gamer’s playstyle is often characterized by certain underlying tendencies and patterns, reflecting his unique personality traits. But if games can reveal our personality, could they also not be used to fundamentally change it?

Continue reading “Using games to change ourselves”